The Current Landscape of Genetic Testing 

Market size, market growth and the practical challenges of the clinical workflow

ConcertGenetics_TheCurrentLandscapeOfGeneticTesting_March2016NextGxDx is pleased to offer this in-depth report covering the genetic testing marketplace. Key points addressed in this document include:

1. Market Size
There are currently more than 60,000 genetic testing products on the US market.

2. Market Growth
On average, approximately 10 new testing products enter the market every day, making it difficult for stakeholders across the healthcare system to keep up with the pace of change.

3. Next Generation Sequencing
Much of the growth in the market is attributable to NextGen Sequencing (NGS), which accounts for more than 30% of the tests on the market and 40% of market growth.

4. Complexity and Variety
Testing options are broadening and becoming more complex, with laboratories packaging testing products in a widening variety of ways. Targeted exome products and carrier panels, specifically, are available in increasing variety, which makes distinguishing among them more difficult.

5. Clinical Workflow
Healthcare providers face mounting challenges integrating genetic testing into the clinical workflow. Utilization management tools, such as GeneConnect from Concert Genetics, are helping institutions across the country address and overcome these challenges.

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