Joining the Concert Genetics Team

July 12, 2016


By Rob Metcalf

Since its foundation in 2010, Concert Genetics has delivered innovation, transparency and standardization to the way clinicians, laboratories, healthcare provider organizations and health insurers navigate the complex and growing field of genetic testing. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to join Concert Genetics for the next phase of the journey.

Mark and I have spent a lot of time together over the past few months to determine how we could best work together to continue fueling growth and innovation at Concert Genetics.  As I got to know Mark and understand the history, passion and capabilities behind this company, I became increasingly attracted to the Concert Genetics mission and culture. This organization is deeply committed to being a reliable source of actionable intelligence and elegant technology solutions.

Looking ahead, I see ample opportunity to build on Concert Genetics successes and accelerate the growth of the company.  In the meantime, let me say thank you to the entire team. You’ve made me feel welcome and part of the team already, and I truly appreciate the warm reception. I am excited about the great things we will do together in the future.

July 12, 2016


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