Concert Genetics: Connecting the Future of Healthcare

March 1, 2017


By Rob Metcalf and Mark Harris, PhD

Today we officially launched our company’s new name and brand. We are now Concert Genetics.

This is a defining moment for our organization.

As we continue to grow, and genetic testing becomes an even more prominent part of the healthcare industry, it’s essential we present a clear picture to the market of who we are and what we do. The name Concert Genetics helps us accomplish that goal. It speaks to our culture as an organization that brings together individuals with diverse expertise. And it illustrates our mission of providing tools that connect, unify and simplify the world of genetic testing.

(Let’s be honest – the name NextGxDx just didn’t do our mission justice.)

But what may be even more exciting about our new brand is how it points to our organization’s higher goal of connecting and enabling precision medicine.

Precision medicine refers to disease treatment and prevention that takes into account the unique makeup – including the genetic makeup – of each person. Like many people, we believe it is a critical frontier in healthcare – a key component of the future of our industry. And we are preparing to play a big role in making precision medicine a reality.

Currently, despite the incredible growth and progress in genetic science and technology, the healthcare industry’s many complexities inhibit genetic health stakeholders from working together effectively to develop the necessary systems and structures for delivering precision medicine. Just consider the growth in the genetic testing market: As we’ve reported in the past, there are as many as 10 new genetic tests entering the market each day. At that rate, it’s impossible for clinicians to keep up with the best available testing options, and disconnected tracking systems across test selection, ordering, billing and payment muddle essential data on utilization, quality, utility and costs.

But if all stakeholders – from hospitals and clinicians to health plans and regulators – work together, the industry can develop the solutions necessary to deliver on the promises of precision medicine. It will take a concerted effort to create new data standards, technology systems and processes for sharing information in a way that allows for essential examination and discovery.

Our position in the market gives us a unique opportunity to convene all parties toward this shared, greater purpose.

You’ll hear more from us soon about the future of precision medicine and Concert Genetics’ work to foster connectivity in genetic health. In the meantime, we’d like to thank our entire team for their effort and support during the rebranding process, and our great community of customers and advocates in the market for their continued support.

Please browse our site and get acquainted with our new, more focused identity and message. As we said, this is a defining moment for our organization. We are ready for what’s next.

March 1, 2017


Welcome to the new Concert website! See what else is new: